Baba Richard and Sri Namaste
are The Infinite Couple

extreme pioneers in marriage, business, love and sex, leading couples to the potent pathway of sacred love, business growth and spiritual alchemy. Together, they’ve worked with the world’s most inspiring couples, transforming their marriages into the deeply-connected and radically fulfilling unions they dream about, and the magically abundant businesses they truly deserve. Through their teachings and offerings, Richard and Namaste embrace the Divine Masculine & Feminine, using their business expertise, relationship mastery and spiritual leadership to spark a life-changing shift in their couples, resulting in 11X more powerful relationships with their partners, their businesses and consciousness itself.

Glimpse The Magic Of Our Work:

YESSSS!!! My marriage has never felt bad, but we had NO IDEA what we were missing out on before this work with Baba Richard & Sri Namaste’s genius!

- Tasha Archer

I have a new excitement and gratitude for my husband and our marriage. I more clearly see him as the powerful, amazing, gifted and loving man he is, and how privileged I am to be in partnership with him. Things that irritated me or confused me in our 15-year relationship I now see with new eyes, a new curiosity, new acceptance and even gratitude. Each day I focus on presence, and look for the joy available to me no matter what the day may bring.

- Rebecca Lynne Mashka

Richard & Namaste Are Ushering Us Into Total Freedom And Power. Sri Amma Namaste and Baba Richard: Even today the tears of gratitude are flowing for the love you’ve shown us and for seeing through the silly shadow games we play. If you’ve felt even the slightest desire to do this, DO NOT WAIT. It is pure MAGIC.

- Misty Sierk

Before she began her work with the Infinite Couple, Lori had the husband, the family, the house… and still there was something achingly missing. When she first encountered Sri Namaste in person, and experienced how she was so FREE and open in her deeply feminine embodiment… Lori knew she wanted to taste THAT. Mentoring with the Infinite Couple, Lori was shocked to discover she had been holding so much of HERSELF locked away—in one hand, behind her back—just out of reach, for 19 years. Her marital intimacy has skyrocketed over these years working with the Infinite Couple—from a 5.5 to a 10+… and climbing. Now, she and her husband are able to move gracefully as ONE.

- Lori Bell

My King Feels Understood And I Can Understand Him More Deeply. I offer my deepest thanks and gratitude to Baba Richard & Sri Namaste. My King feels heard, met, and seen in these Teachings. He has shared that Baba has spoken what’s in his heart. It has opened him— and US— into spaces we’ve never explored before. The Divine Masculine has given him a voice, for his needs and desires. We both feel met and represented in these precious Teachings, and I’m looking forward to experiencing what opens for us as we receive these Codes together.

- Angie Meinhardt

I Wish I’d Had These Teachings Looooong Before Now! I had NO idea that a DYAD union even existed, yet now that I’m aware, it’s something I truly desire. I was able to identify exactly what I did or didn’t do in previous partnerships that wasn’t correct or in alignment. There was lots of distortion. I didn’t take 100% responsibility. I rejected my former husband and significant others one way or the other all the time. My marriages were partnerships, but I wasn’t fully committed to the person. I definitely wasn’t conducting myself from the Feminine, but I’m blessed and grateful I am now! WOW...just wow! Thank you Sri Amma & Baba — this is a life-changer and I’m looking forward to having a DYAD union soon.

- Catina Nunley

If you desire life partnership, this is the way, the initiation, the key. Many offer teachings— Sri Namaste & Baba Richard transmit the EXPERIENCE. I am a Feminine woman, but denied it for many years. I was too busy acting like an independent, professional woman. But that’s not who I am. And it’s not what I desire. I began these Teachings a strong, intellectual woman who was in charge and in control, but my facade couldn’t hold up to Sri Namaste’s potent alchemy. At times she was nurturing and tender; at times fierce and fatal to my ego and flawed understanding. But always loving. Guided by her, I then put down the masculine tools I gripped so tightly and took off the masculine garb I wore. Now, the Feminine essence within me is emerging. I’m softer in my presence, slower in my rhythm. I’m trading Do! Do! Do! For pause...feel...BE. And I’m delighting in the longing for, alluring, and entering union with MY Beloved.

- Deanna De Paoli, JD

Everyone Needs This. Absolutely Everyone. It is delicious to have a clear vision of how me and my husband operate in unification. It feels so right. Baba Richard & Sri Namaste have painted a clear picture of what this looks, sounds and feels like. It has confirmed to me that I desire to fully operate only from the Feminine sphere, and that I’m fully committed to my Masculine king in sacred marriage unification. It’s inspiring me to move into deeper feminine embodiment, so I can be a blessing for my king, my family and the world. I can feel the expansion.

- Sa’ahRa Greer

This is a solid anchoring and becoming of new possibilities. Wow!! This transmission had me sobbing- full of grief and release, relief, forgiveness and bursting, joyful heart.

- Niki Kala

I finally feel no trigger regarding my previous courtship! Oh my goodness! I am whole! The DYAD transmission plus the shadow alchemy on the guilt I felt for rejecting the Masculine and feeling abandoned let go. Thanks to this work, when the tears began to come I was able to CHOOSE to not sink to a deep state of sadness. I wasn’t ruled by my emotions and I broke the damn bond! I feel so much love. TRUE LOVE! For myself and the Masculine. Just so much respect and honor. I am so grateful and feel like a whole new woman.

- Nahimana A. K. Aponi

Doing the DYAD was the BEST Christmas gift for our marriage! The level of communication open to us in our marriage now is incredible! It required us to step into a new world of understanding. One where the person with the responsibility knows the other’s desires and preferences— and we both know how everything should be carried out. Having the tools to know HOW to communicate like this is HUGE. Can you grasp what this level of clarity would free for you in your marriage or partnership??!

- Tasha Archer

Working With Baba Richard & Sri Namaste was a leap of faith for me and my Beloved— and helped us manifest an extra $4,000! My Beloved and I resisted this work at the beginning because of the cost. Like Baba and Sri Amma say, I was one of those people who wanted to get ‘close enough’ to amass power. But when I finally let go of my ego and said yes to this program, I realized how my shadow was interfering with my life. After I dove in, I heard Spirit tell me to quit my job. We had just moved and had bills to pay, and I’m supposed to stop working? But I did. I stopped worrying about how I was going to move forward, and focused on what was available to me— just like Baba and Sri Amma told me. I went back to the beginning of this work, started letting stuff go, and found out I was eligible for 30 days paid leave— then I manifested another $4,000 through additional benefits!

- Xavier Norton

Khadijah was a 40-something single woman living in Los Angeles with a successful corporate media career. But in addition to all expenses paid party buses to Catalina Island and VIP status at American Music Award after-parties, she had insane amounts of stress that led to a regular cry-fest in her car. After finding Sri Namaste Moore through a friend's Facebook page, Khadijah felt something inside her shift. “It just hit me. I HAD to have her speak into my life because every time she said something my jaw hit the floor. I couldn’t explain why. I just knew, I felt it in my soul that what was being said was the truth.” And now, after only 10 months under the watchful mentorship of the Infinite Couple, Khadijah is married to her True Husband and a stepmom with adult children. She has never been happier or more fulfilled.

- Khadijah

When Lauren attended Sri Namaste’s webinar she felt immediate resonance and understood that the key to her desires was in her connection to herself and her husband. After the webinar, she joined the Sanctum of Feminine Transformation. Within THREE WEEKS of that decision, she began to experience profound shifts in herself and her marriage! Her husband became much more loving and affectionate toward her, and their sex life became beautifully rich with nuance, and levels of depth and range to play with. She reports her sex life going from a 6 to a 9 and getting better every day!

- Lauren C.

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