After finishing our iconic, renowned and powerful program, we guarantee you’ll be engaged within a year to the love of your life.
That’s been the case for everyone who’s taken the course and done exactly what we’ve told them.

“He proposed at my birthday dinner, which he had all arranged. We finished up dinner and were about to leave when he asked the waiter to take a photo of us. When I turned around he was on one knee. SQUEEE!!! I was totally surprised!!!! WE’RE ENGAGED. #dfm. Just do it.”
- Nneka
“Taking and following the Dating for Marriage class turned everything in my dating life around for me.... It’s like we are in our own world. I met the gentleman I am in courtship with in December of 2019. I’ve never been happier. Not ever.”
- Khadijah (who is now happily married to this man)
If you have questions, you are welcome to talk to someone on our team.
the heaven-on-earth marriage that awaits you.