Infinitum Vitae
with Richard and Namaste

Welcome to the Reorientation of Your ENTIRE Life and Being.

Where it all Shifts, Expands And Orders Creating Infinite Power, Wealth, Influence and PLEASURE

easier, faster and more effortlessly.


Did you know there are stages BEYOND marriage? Enter the Alchemy that transforms your marriage into a deliciously divine, deeply-connected union that

satisfies your soul.

We invite you to enter the world you’ve hungered for.

The New Paradigm of Leadership, Business and Personal Fulfillment. The height of success for the Game-Changers,

The Empire Builders and The Dynasty Makers lie in this Hidden Mystery.

A mystery that requires both the

masculine and feminine.

As extreme pioneers of consciousness, we work privately with some of the most powerful people in the world, ushering into their lives individuated pathways to stellar, unimaginable fulfillment and growth.
An ascent of magic, wealth, beauty and power.
An ascent of magic, wealth, beauty and power.
An undeniable evolution of self that unlocks your Infinite LIFE.

Become The God & Goddess Of Your Own Infinite World

There is an unspeakable potency in merging the Masculine & Feminine.

The warrior & the priestess.

A King and his Queen.

A new, more virtuous energy is born— a primordial, transcendent, elemental force that shatters all boundaries.

This is the potency of a

A True, Magical Marriage.

The one you and your Beloved are meant to harness
beyond your wildest dreams.

Even if you’ve been married for decades or the love of your life is yet to be seen.

Together, we’ll unseal the gateway to everlasting, Infinite love.
We’ll reveal the hidden Codes to True Marriage that alchemize every part of your life.
Where you and your beloved embrace a sensual, soul-fulfilling, deeply-connected unification, bringing your highest vision TOGETHER.
You’ll invoke each other’s passions. Awaken each other’s genius. Ignite the love of legends old and new.

together, they express the divine.

You’ll unleash your Infinite Power as individuals— and as a couple— and manifest the limitless wealth, bliss, joy, and freedom you’ve come to this Earth to relish.

This is our Mandate as the Infinite Couple.

After holding this most treasured and hidden power for eons… we are FINALLY able to share these secrets.

You didn’t incarnate in this lifetime
for anything mediocre.

You can feel it in your bones. You know that greatness lies in you, and you’re destined for something bigger— an astonishing, iconic LIFE that defies all limitations.

exploring the edges of potentiality
doing the impossible
enjoying the most sublime and rarified experiences imaginable….

A partnership that elevates your wealth, influence, freedom and bliss.

An exploration of the secrets of the Universe.

A business that’s deeply fulfilling and creates lavish wealth.

You’ve never settled for anything ordinary, ever.

But in spirit, in marriage and in money are you manifesting the EXTRAordinary life you’re meant to live?

Are you living your highest possible purpose?

Discover how we create a potent pathway to sacred love, business success, wealth, bliss and spiritual alchemy that amplifies your marriage AND businesses.

Which Couple Prototype Are You?

There are 8 fundamental marriage prototypes— and your relationship is defined by one right now, even if you aren’t married.

Explore your prototype now with our quest, and unblock your limitless abundance, rebalance your harmony, and unleash your most potent passions.

Infinitum Vitae
with Richard and Namaste

Welcome to the Reorientation of Your ENTIRE Life and Being.

Where it all Shifts, Expands And Orders Creating Infinite Power, Wealth, Influence and PLEASURE

easier, faster and more effortlessly.


the Alchemy that transforms your marriage into a deliciously divine, deeply-connected union that

satisfies your soul.

We invite you to enter the world you’ve hungered for.

The New Paradigm of Leadership, Business and Personal Fulfillment. The height of success for the Game-Changers,

The Empire Builders and The Dynasty Makers lie in this Hidden Mystery.

A mystery that requires both the

masculine and feminine.

As extreme pioneers of consciousness, we work privately with some of the most powerful people in the world, ushering into their lives individuated pathways to stellar, unimaginable fulfillment and growth.

An ascent of magic, wealth, beauty and power.

A deification of the sacred within.

An undeniable evolution of self that unlocks your Infinite LIFE.

Become The God & Goddess Of Your Own Infinite World

There is an unspeakable potency in merging the Masculine & Feminine.

The warrior & the priestess.

A King and his Queen.

A new, more virtuous energy is born— a primordial, transcendent, elemental force that shatters all boundaries.

This is the potency of a

A True, Magical Marriage.

The one you and your Beloved are meant to harness
beyond your wildest dreams.

Even if you’ve been married for decades or the love of your life is yet to be seen.

Together, we’ll unseal the gateway to everlasting, Infinite love.
We’ll reveal the hidden Codes to True Marriage that alchemize every part of your life.
Where you and your beloved embrace a sensual, soul-fulfilling, deeply-connected unification, bringing your highest vision TOGETHER.
You’ll invoke each other’s passions. Awaken each other’s genius. Ignite the love of legends old and new.

together, they express the divine.

You’ll unleash your Infinite Power as individuals— and as a couple— and manifest the limitless wealth, bliss, joy, and freedom you’ve come to this Earth to relish.

This is our calling as the Infinite Couple.

Where, after lifetimes of losing each other, we finally united to embody the Divine Masculine & Feminine to share these secrets.

You didn’t incarnate in this lifetime
for anything mediocre.

You can feel it in your bones. You know that greatness lies in you, and you’re destined for something bigger— an astonishing, iconic LIFE that defies all limitations.

exploring the edges of potentiality
doing the impossible
enjoying the most sublime and rarified experiences imaginable….

A partnership that elevates your wealth, influence, freedom and bliss.

An exploration of the secrets of the Universe.

A business that’s deeply fulfilling and creates lavish wealth.

You’ve never settled for anything ordinary, ever.

But in spirit, in marriage and in money are you manifesting the EXTRAordinary life you’re meant to live?

Are you living your highest possible purpose?

Discover how we create a potent pathway to sacred love, business success, wealth, bliss and spiritual alchemy that amplifies your marriage AND businesses.

Which Marriage Prototype Are You?

There are 8 fundamental marriage prototypes— and your relationship is defined by one right now, even if you aren’t married.

Explore your prototype now with our quiz, and unblock your limitless abundance, rebalance your harmony, and unleash your most potent passions.

Infinite Insights

Explore the Teachings, Transmissions, and Tools that lead to your Infinite Life.