Baba Richard and Sri Namaste
are The Infinite Couple

Extreme pioneers in marriage, business, love and sex, who work privately with some of the most exciting couples in the world. Through their teachings, expertise and offerings, they help couples create a potent pathway to sacred love, business growth and spiritual alchemy.

As business masters, spiritual leaders and relationship alchemists, they embrace the Divine Masculine and Feminine, exploring passion, polarity, purpose and presence. The men and women they work with describe a life-changing shift that results in radical fulfillment, limitless abundance and self-actualization.

As true metaphysicians, Richard & Namaste distill their knowledge directly from Infinite Intelligence and have a gift for turning complex spiritual teachings into practical, effective tools that work in the real world. They’ve also mastered multiple healing modalities including Reiki, the Law of Attraction, NLP, AFP, crystal working, timeline shifting and many more.

They’re the founders of The School of Alchemy and The Sanctum of Feminine Transformation . Now, Richard & Namaste are uplifting couples worldwide through their Couple Unification Prototypes Modality, The Framework of Marriage Mastery, The DYAD: Marriage Mastery Matters, and Power Of Eleven Marriage program, resulting in 11x more powerful relationships with your partner, your business, and consciousness itself.

Renowned speakers, their motivational and transformational message has ignited audiences all over the globe, and their wisdom leads to profound realizations that amplify marriages AND businesses. With over 60 years of combined experience and 8 beautiful adult children, Richard & Namaste are leading a global revolution for highly-successful couples who are driven to transcend the mundane and bring their greatest vision to life together. Whether you’re single, newlyweds, or you’ve been married for decades, Richard & Namaste will help you design a deeply fulfilling marriage that invokes your gifts, raises your talent, and expresses the very apex of your genius…

And cast a spell that turns

your marriage into a magical,

meaningful legacy.

As seen in

The Infinite Couple’s Topics of Expertise

The Marriage Virus That’s Driving Divorce Rates Through The Roof:

Discover why it’s happening and how to shift YOUR marriage for a sacred, sensual, satisfying union that lasts

Why Marriage Expresses (And Doesn’t Diminish) Your Genius:

And how the 8 Couple Unification Prototypes fulfill your life purpose, awaken your talents, and skyrocket your wealth

The Power Of Spiritual Alchemy:

11X your relationships with your partner, business and Divinity and transform your life into Gold

The 8 Business Couple Archetypes:

Find out why your archetype is holding back marriage bliss, business mastery, and limitless abundance

Should You Mix Marriage And Business?

The key to a juicier life together that’s focused on your unique vision, purpose and legacy

The Secret To A Passionate, Rich, Deeply Connected Marriage:

(No matter if you’re single, newlyweds, struggling, or long-time married!)

How to Create Generational Wealth to Fully
Access Life and its Wonders

…and pass down limitless possibilities to your children, their children and beyond

The Way of the Entrepreneur

Discover the keys to creating passion, purpose, impact and wealth through entrepreneurial pursuits

The Spiritual Pathway to Access Your Higher Being

Explore your truth as an infinite being and transcend the physical world


Richard & Namaste are represented by Luxe Godhead.

Their team can be contacted for media and speaking opportunities at: