I have always been enamored of the human form.
Always found it fascinating…particularly the female body.
So many transitions.
Each month an initiation.
Each era in a woman’s life a rarified event.
As I walked through life and experience no matter what was going on -my body was the place I’d find comfort and awe.
Watching her through adolescence
Sexual responsiveness
Gaining weight
Losing it
Breasts and belly Softening
Derrière ripening
Hips widening
My outer typography Shifting and changing, always a reflection of my inner landscape.
I never left my body
Through molestation
Date rape
Abnormal Pap tests
Conservative religious practices
Stress and pressure
These were all mere events but my body…
Ah… my body is home.
Over time my level of Sovereignty with my Body grew.
Declining procedures and people that my body said no to.
Trusting her intelligence
Her mastery of healing
Her innate knowing.
As I entered into the field of Womanhood professionally I realized that this is not the story Women tell of themselves.
That many women simply do as they’re told when it comes to their body.
Told by family
Told by religion
Told by clinicians
Told by the media
Told by other WOMEN.
The tendency to feel self loathing at the form is high
Pick her apart
Analyze her
View her through others eyes
Ask permission
Silence her pleasure
I was shown by The Feminine the battle raging in women’s bodies
How it’s not a safe place
It’s a lemon
A war zone
A battle of wills
A competition
I saw the breathtaking Truth that Embodiment is the key and yet the pervasiveness of NON-embodiment is viral.
And from here my Workaround Embodiment began to take form.
I wanted to give Women a different story
One that is deeper, richer, and far more potent than the one of where she came from.
There is something SO powerful when a woman comes home to her body.
When she begins to move from the Paradigm of mechanized mental experience to full embodiment.
There is something that happens in her, through her.
Something that she becomes.
A way she moves through the world.
The way she IS- in her relationships, her business, her mindset.
It is encapsulated in this-
When you’re home you REST.
Join us in InBody
This is not a mere Course
It’s a map
A compass
A way for you to orient
It’s a guide
Back to your garden
It’s a seed of the fruit you will both feast on
And become.
It is you… embodied
Welcome home darling.
Reach out to InfiniteLife Team to join us.