The Beautiful Paradox of Nails

You see Nails reflect mostly…
Let’s start with a story…

When I was a child I bit my nails (stress) until I was 13 when my grandmere took me to the salon to get my nails done and tips added. I stopped biting them and kept them done… in my teens.

Fast forward…
I grew up and in my first marriage struggled financially quite a bit… My nails were never done and always short and never painted. I felt that I was more authentic this way.
Fast forward again…

I got a divorce; periodically I’d get my nails painted, but they would eventually break or chip. I said I was busy… I would love nice nails BUT I had stuff to do, I had dishes to wash, I liked gardening, etc; and for a while that was okay… But then it wasn’t…

I asked Spirit about it… Yes about my nails…. This is what I was told…
Really what I was saying was…
I need to rush
I don’t have time to slow down.
I use my nails as tools.
I need not be mindful.
Because when my nails broke it was always, always because I wasn’t handling myself gently.
I was moving too fast.
I was rushing or not present.
Or irritated.
I had to LEARN.
Learn to slow down.
Learn to move gently.

Or not.
I mean they are just nails, right?

Not really…

Because everything in our lives offers a deeper lesson.
Everything. When we pay attention to the organic lessons, so much shifts…

When I started getting them done again it was pure alchemy…
– No tips, I wanted them to grow out. (I am patient with my growth, I don’t fake it)
– The SNS for strength (it’s okay to let external strength protect me, I have nothing to prove by trying to do it all myself)
– Playing with length (the longer is more seen, being comfy with that)
– Always changing (maintenance is a part of life anything you love you are willing to maintain)
And more….

There is a beautiful paradox here… An invitation that your nails can invite

Where you are now (No judgment)
Where you are feeling drawn (no fear)

You don’t have to judge where you are to allow where you’re going. Tips can be (not always) a sign of shame for where you are if you’re not where you think you should be, or a way of checking out of the process.
Nor do you have to reject where you’re going to accept your now. You needn’t anchor who you are in this moment to honor it. You are an ever-changing fluid phenomenon. Growing unceasingly and with ease.

Yes… And.

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