…And it is a Mystery…
For your cup must be both Full and Empty, my love.
Empty- for you can not listen, nor learn, nor enlighten in a cup that is already full.
Full- for you can not give to other-selves that which you do not have and it is ours to give from our overflow.
Each woman finds that one is easy and the other is challenging… And which is which may be elusive to parse out. For each yields to the other.
In certain seasons the cup seems bottomless and impossible to fill.
In others, it is too full, and the idea of being empty is to grieve a loss.
The hidden power is that the cup is never half empty nor half full but is always invited to be BOTH empty and full…
Ah… And now you believe you have grasped it…
But What is the cup?
And of what is it full?
And how is it made empty?
And how is it both… At once?
That is the Mystery…. That is the work we play at”
Learn more, get SOFT – bit.ly/GetSOFT
In Love,
Namaste Moore – The Feminine Alchemist © Namaste Moore and RichardandNamaste.com 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Namaste Moore and RichardandNamaste.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.