If we are to get something we haven’t had before we must be willing to go where we haven’t been and do what we haven’t done.
In short in order to have the life we want – we have to be willing to change the life we have.
But change can be challenging.
Down right difficult at times.
When in the midst of change, it can feel less like an invitation and more like being clubbed over the head with a 2×4, if we do not know how to yield to it.
And lets face it most of us don’t.
In business do we keep doing what we’ve always done- rather than make the changes that are necessary? Would we rather keep taking half-steps, making light weight choices and hanging out with broke folks believing the party line that “It (success) can’t be done without losing one’s integrity, faith, love, self etc;” Do we hold those that are successful in contempt, believing that their apparent success is somehow secretly tied to some sort of moral failing or hidden vice that we dont know about?
Are we willing to change our world view, go balls-to-the-wall with passion towards what we want – understanding that there are ethical ways to build wealth without selling out, start hanging with folks doing what we want to do – going where we want to be and begin developing the habits that support that future, imagined state of being.
Check out our class on how to work 2-4 hours a day in your OWN business.
Think about it. No matter what or where your desire is- if you want something different than what you have right now – it’s gonna require something of you and the hardest thing it requires, is change.
Want to lose weight? Get healthy? Stop hanging with people who have unhealthy habits. Commit to your Temple. Start moving. Burn more calories than you take in. Don’t be luke warm. Hang with people who are healthy.
Is it easy? Hell no – at least not at first. But if you keep at it, it will pay off eventually.
Want a loving relationship? Stop being around people who always have something negative to say about men or women. Commit fiercely to love. Double down on the future that you WANT to have, instead of always looking backward. Begin to focus on what you love, how you desire to express love. Listen to people who already have what you WANT – stop taking love advice from people who don’t have a healthy relationship.
Want to build wealth? Be successful? Go where successful people are. Do the habits they do. Commit to the process. Work the pattern. Understand how they see the world, how they see money, how they see business – and shift your perspectives accordingly. (Sign up for Wealth Building Help NOW)
Your assignment – should you choose to accept it – is to do this now. Find the place where change is needed to create the abundance you desire in whatever area you desire it – and begin to change NOW –
Be Awesome,
~Richard and Namaste