You asked and we heard you! On Sunday, March 26, is the Long Awaited Courtship Masterclass!! With a Divorce rate over 50% just “letting it happen” no longer works.
Finally, ladies and gentlemen, you can have a step by step process to Date with Intention and Court for Marriage. This includes direct guidance from Richard Moore for men on How To Court a Woman!!
Some topics:
* When is sex appropriate? Is it part of courtship at all?
* Learn what you should know about your prospective mate…before you commit.
* How should SOFT women govern themselves in courtship juxtaposed to “THE RULES”?
* Learn how to let a Man know that you are interested in a feminine way after he has shown interest
* Introverted? we reveal 7 ways that being an introvert actually gives you the advantage in dating and courtship with intention!!!
* Discover The Way To Talk To Him That Will Instantly Establish You as Unique and Precious and Set You Apart From Any Women He’s Ever Known!!
* Learn to decipher the hidden courtship messages that others often miss
This is so much succulence loves and promises to be worth its weight in PLATINUM! This is a MASTERCLASS so bring snacks because it will be long…LOL and of course those who purchase WILL get the replay and anything extra we decide to throw in there.