In the church, there is a method by which you recognize visiting clergy.
If you are in the midst of having a service and it is brought to your attention that another Person of the Cloth is present someone (typically an usher or deacon) will approach that person and invite them to sit in the pulpit or at least on the front row.
This is how to honor them and acknowledge them as a colleague or peer.
If you know the person… you may invite them to have a few words. They, in turn, will (during their few words) give honor verbally to the Host Pastor and Clergy, encourage the members in their loyalty to this house of faith and speak words that edify.
This model has been used for MANY MANY years… simply because it works.
To this day – often if we go into a Christian House of worship – they will recognize us because clergy can typically recognize clergy.
In this time of so many spiritual environments, conscious and enlightenment spaces Baba Richard Moore and I have occasionally discussed how useful this tradition is and how beneficial it would be for so many people.
I see other leaders in spaces and no acknowledgment of them is given. YET the people in the space can FEEL the power coming off of them. They know they are not just another attendee.
Give honor to whom honor is due.
Because there is no “way” (Protocol) to recognize others while still holding one’s own Authority in many spaces people just get awkward, dismissive, territorial etc;
Sometimes it’s insecurity. Often it’s just a lack of knowledge.
You see my loves- far from being something to hinder expression – protocol is actually a sort of social lubricant that allows people to know the correct behaviors and actions in a given situation.
It creates social ease.
(BTW – Social Awkwardness is the Dis-Ease that has become pervasive due to our cultural rebellion again social graces – it is Socially Dry Intercourse. Yes you can get used to that friction, and you may even learn to like it… but it’s still abrasive and irritating and eventually it’ll leave a mark)
Supra. Omnia. Amate.
~Sri Namaste Moore
Namaste Moore – The Feminine Alchemist © Namaste Moore and 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Namaste Moore and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.