The most challenging thing for people to grow is most of what we offer sounds prescriptive yet it’s not.
It’s descriptive.
We’re simply describing what is.
Interestingly any modality, body of work, system that is TRUTH is similar.
Humans in their lack of understanding and seeking to survive prescribe
Other humans in their reaction and rebellion deny
And so the pendulum swings.
But when you step into DESCRIBING it changes
Prescribing creates laws and rules.
Describing simply offers representation and explanation of what is.
This is what Christ was attempting to impart
This is why ancients texts are rarely understood
This is why Mystical ideas and systems can’t be proven
The Cosmic Laws? Aren’t really laws a’tall
They are Cosmic ISness.
This is why we can speak the language of religion to those who need it but we are not religious.
Because religion seeks to codify into laws and rules the ISness
And we are here simply to reveal it and to play with you in the Grand Experiment of Living it.
This is something to contemplate and meditate on… how am I making Truth into Law instead of allowing it to be LIFE?
And- the Mystic Mind is now available- for only $27 a month- for now.
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