We are in the MMA!

Good morning my darlings!

I know I know its been a while since we’ve written here, we’ve been very busy getting super clear on what we want and also re-starting something that we began a couple years ago but put on pause and didn’t really delve into that much. It’s our Financial Freedom website! Over there we offer classes, Masterminds, a blogging platform and more to help people find financial freedom and/or get their business mojo on point. Check us out!

For the last couple of months, Richard and I have been on Periscope basically every day (or nearly every day) inspiring, communicating and more! This morning’s broadcast was all about MMA- Monday Morning Alignment!

For most people Mondays suck muchly – but we believe Monday s a delightful opportunity to release and refresh and start the week with blessings!

Join us as we do a few rounds of EFT to help end the Monday morning blah-blahs and supercharge your Brilliance!