Empowered Women change the world!

It’s true my darlings – empowered women DO change the world – but probably not in the way you think.

We are the way the Universe helps Humanity to REMEMBER.

Empowered women ready to be world changers know how to move from Power OVER – into Power TO… and are wise enough to discern the distinction between the two.

I go VERY deeply into the role and power of compassion and our willingness to be broken open in the video below.

I’d love to hear from you- How have you worked with compassion and breaking open in your own life my loves?

P.S. -More information on Feminine Embodiment can be found at http://tinyurl.com/GetSOFT  – Yoni Eggs can be purchased at www.desiredthingz.com or http://desiredthingz.etsy.com

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