Colonization is the process of sending a group into another space to settle and cultivate while remaining citizens and subjects of the place where they came from.
This is NOT about the benefits vs the issues with colonization as a global human practice.
THIS is about the Colonization Codes – a subtle virus that is so pervasive that every person on the planet is infected- and the need to remove it as an INTERNAL Occupation… which is required to elevate into your Dyadic and Infinite state.
So powerful that we were up all last night channeling it (we went to bed at 5am)
So powerful that we blinked out of existence and then came back COMPLETELY DIFFERENT over night.
So powerful that following the fractal led us to the furthest reaches and then back to the most minute particles.
Do I sound mad?
Perhaps… because this great mystery of Truth has taken me and I am Drunk on it.
Students of Consciousness, Metaphysics and Spirituality get ready to have your mind BLOWN… in the next Creatures of Myth and Legend- our LIVING Mystery Portal.