Good morning my loves!!
Here is a simple and fierce idea that I hope to infect you with
Let’s destigmatize joy
What do I mean by that? I mean that while living in the most affluent country on the planet-What we have begun to hold dear is the Elevation of Pain
By making the discussion of pain the most common pastime, we create a space where it is how we build connection. How we establish and create community. How we pick our roll models. Even how we decide who to believe…
The question of the hour is “How are you broken?”
The more categories a person can fit their pain in, the more our culture will value them
I call it the pain Olympics.
This is incredibly dysfunctional. Our need for “place” as humans is so strong that it trumps nearly all other needs
Introvert or Extrovert – we need to belong. When we make pain – abuse, oppression- a condition of belonging, it causes us to unconsciously seek out pain to ensure our place in the pack
While we condemn female genital mutilation (a practice in some cultures where a woman’s clitoris and/or labia is removed often by other women in her family) we fail to see how, metaphorically- WE commit the same atrocity.
As without, so within
We require the amputation of the ability to receive pleasure, of the women in our spheres and in our culture.
We constantly teach each other that to be accepted in the circle of women…you must be willing to be a victim. With words and actions we hold her down and remove her natural processing and pleasure for “her own good.”
While proclaiming a desire for empowerment we celebrate the victimization of women.We create finer and finer definitions of abuse so EVERY woman feels obligated to find her abusive situation and wear the label. The wearing of the label is the ticket to acceptance
When #metoo first gained momentum I had many women contact me feeling sad, confused and anxious because they DIDN’T have the experience of harassment. Because they didn’t connect in that way, because in reading others experiences they did not feel resonance with reinterpreting their lives through that lens.
This is the untold story. That many women don’t view themselves as victims of anything. That many brown women enjoy privilege too. That many women are taking personal responsibility for their lives and choices. That many women have absolutely NO NEED for a narrative of pain. That many women have come to the maturity and wisdom that Authority and Self Sovereignty requires Responsibility. These women know story is powerful and so they’ve Created their own and refuse to allow it to be rewritten with them as the victim.
These women are constantly sent the message to shut up. To be silent. To let the voice of women only be a roar or a wail, but never the sound of her pure laughter and bliss. These women are taught that to stand in solidarity with other women means to only allow the only story of women to be one in which she is always the victim. She always needs saving. She always needs to overcome. These women are told that her only worth and value comes in not being GIVEN anything…but in being STRONG. BEING A WARRIOR. These women are told that they should take another look at their lives so they can see the “micro injustices” they are suffering from. This is the lure…to be one with us you must be willing to be cut.
There is another story to be told. There is another life to be lived. There are other voices to be heard. I decline the invitation to build a following based on the toxic competition of pain. I refuse to base my business and leadership in pressing and connecting with your pain points.
You are more than that.
You deserve better than that. Your pain is barely worth a footnote in your story beloved, I bless you with the FREEDOM to write your own book.
Learn more, get SOFT –
In Love,
Namaste Moore – The Feminine Alchemist © Namaste Moore and 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Namaste Moore and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.