Did You Grow Up On Love?

We have seen in the last few weeks some suggesting that it is beneficial to ask ones lovers if they grew up feeling loved. If they grow up on Love.

While this can be a good question..it is not beneficial as a disqualifier. We suggest that question is best inquired of oneself (Did I grow up on Love?) and not as a judgment or qualifier for others (Did you grow up feeling loved?)


This idea does not understand that love within relationships is of itself Healing and it suggests that it is something to be avoided by healers if the person comes from a broken history. It is a form of Faux Perfectionism that is one of the biggest distortions of Synthetic Spirituality™️ -that is spirituality that looks, speaks and engages with spiritual “speak” but lacks the true orientation towards and grounding in Essence and Soul that makes spirituality…spiritual.

Anything else removes ones true power which is to see one’s own gaps, distortions and limiting beliefs and to take personal responsibility for healing them.

Especially if one calls oneself a Healer. Most healers are indeed wounded and it takes time to heal these wounds. The breaking of which provides needful experience to be a powerful Healer. The wounds which remain serving as powerful catalysts for compassion for others.

Learn more, get SOFT – bit.ly/GetSOFT

In Love,


Namaste Moore – The Feminine Alchemist © Namaste Moore and RichardandNamaste.com   2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Namaste Moore and RichardandNamaste.com  with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.