Recently someone came and asked me what should they do…when wanting lineage and rites of passage…
They said “I don’t have a people…I am not part of a community ”
And I told them…
Find YOUR Teacher.
Not just a Teacher…your Teacher.
Listen to them.
Take the lessons in.
Desire to be a good student.
Serve them.
Humble yourself and…
Wait to be lifted.
Everything will flow from there.
For in this process what you are will rise to the surface
It is not terribly complex.
But this person was saddened.
Because they wanted it like a degree. Given for a certain period of time and a certain amount of money.
They wanted a checklist and ease.
They wanted a known amount of exchange and a receipt.
They wanted a transaction.
But lineage is relationship.
Many have lost the very essence of One-Ness for they think that it can be bought by paper and connection forced. They have forgotten the truth… That these things are the natural out pouring and out picturing of what is nurtured and cultivated within.
What is shown externally is only the manifesting of that is-Ness.
It is why many marriages don’t work today…because the Oneness is not there and everyone blames someone else for why.
It is why many say they desire that connection but when A Mother/Teacher/Elder shows up…they are judged and rejected, or when a Daughter/Student/Child approaches they are not accepted and received.
You can only give what you are.
Your world is but the projection of your soul.
Find Rites of Passage Part I here.
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In Love,
Namaste Moore – The Feminine Alchemist © Namaste Moore and 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Namaste Moore and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.