One of our greatest Joys is Supporting people stepping into a Paradigm of Greatness -That also means you have to let go of the Paradigm of small and Medium-ness.
Small is easy.
Medium is harder to see.
It’s neutral.
“I’m just over here doing my own thing”
It’s not wanting to Leave an INSCRIPTION
Medium is Meh… Not too much or too little.
Just Enough.
And while everyone will congratulate you when you go from small to Medium
People will HATE you when you go from Medium to LARGE.
How dare you not only take the mic – and
and say not only do I have this mic…I’m OWNING this stage.
And I’m not asking your permission to do so.
Years ago a Speaker Educator asked a group of us would we rather give a speech where 80% of people liked it and 20% felt nothing and forgot or where 70% of people LOVED it and 30% hated it.
Most people will choose the former because they desire to avoid being hated at all costs.
GREAT Speakers choose the later.
Yet so do great:
Thought Leaders
Spiritual Leaders
Great people like YOU.
Who have the Audacity to speak without apology
Build without fear
And be your Amazing, Fabulous, Self as you unfurl within the brilliance of your own being.
Like a flower opening in the Sun.
This is your call darling- it’s time to stop wondering if there is some virtue that lies in your smallness and instead don’t just go medium – go 10XL
Now meet your community here: INFINITUM VITAE- Marriage. Mysticism. Multimillionaires