Knowing you “shouldn’t” be afraid is not the same as getting out of fear.
In all ways acknowledging that what you feel IS fear is the first step.
Is it anger or are you afraid?
Is it disappointment or are you afraid?
Do you “need more time” or are you afraid?
Is it not “in alignment” or are you afraid?
Are you trying to do the right thing or are you just afraid of doing the wrong thing?
Are you desiring to serve and be of help or are you afraid of not being loved?
Are you truly seeking excellence or are you afraid of failing?
Are you really different from everyone or are you afraid of being mediocre?
Are you really in love with all the information you have gathered or are you afraid of your own ignorance?
Are you doing your due diligence when it comes to your loyalty or are you afraid of being betrayed?
Are you really enjoying life or are you staying active and in motion because you’re afraid of stillness, sadness and complexity?
Are you truly wanting to express power or are you afraid of your own weakness and vulnerability?
Are you attempting to keep the peace or are you afraid that if you said what you felt you’d be rejected.
Fear is the most insidious of virus’ and yet you CAN get out of fear and we can help.
Reach out to InfiniteLife Team for the Out of Fear RX!