For Women in Business Part II

ON BUSINESS part 2- part 1 here
Having said everything I said in part 1 there is a certain type of Business Owner we DEEPLY and passionately enjoy working with.
The Integral Entrepreneur.
The one who loves the idea of offering something that serves truly.
Rather that serving is …
functional or physical
Tangible or ineffable
Practical or Luxurious
Business to Business or Individual
They desire to place into the world and into the hands of those on this planet … MORE.
And they do it from a Clean, Open, Expansive place.
These are the Leaders of the next Paradigm of Sales, of Marketing, of Education, of Products, of Consciousness- who bring their most evolved self and their Mastery of the area that they desire to Offer Into their enterprise.
Extremely elevated
The change they wish to see is what they BRING to market.
For the world at large and for the client in particular.
As they grow and evolve the offers grow and evolve as well with EASE.
How can I serve you is then WOVEN into the offering- the goods, the products, the services- as a True Tone not just an echo.
Everything is an expression of Infinity not the hunt for money.
This is the next Paradigm and we welcome you to it-