Many people don’t understand the point of marriage- especially today. If they did they would choose differently with a deep Intention instead of mere emotionalism.
(This is a NON- religious viewpoint. Meaning that while it is not against any specific religious context, it does not require you adhere to a religious framework to understand.)
Marriage is a public and official recognition of an intentional creation of a Unit. Thus getting a marriage certificate, conducting the ceremony, and changing all legal documentation including the last name are for the purpose of altering how one goes through life Societally, Financially, Socially, Governmentally.
It is to bring together in every realm that which affects your HUMAN experience on this planet.
It is to bring the land of man in alignment with the energetic and spiritual Intention you have held.
To be One.
It is a statement that says “I no longer desire to be considered a singleton, from now on “I” am “We” – with all of the rights and responsibilities this entails”.
It is similar to how when you create a Corporation you have created a SEPARATE entity- Legally.
Legal Marriage then creates a Dyadic Entity FORM.
It is then up to the couple to invest this Form with Consciousness- this is what the Dyad Teachings

The Way.
Marriage creates a Form to follow the Function.